Friday, March 28, 2008

Yesterday=Best Day Ever?

So, yesterday was quite possibly one of the best days ever. My day started out with gym, one of my favorite classes. We played volleyball, one of my favorite sports. It was awesome! I scored a ton of points. The next class was math, which some days I dread, but yesterday I was in there ready to learn with an awesome attitude, which made math...FUN. Can you believe it!? Math, Fun!? I know. It's crazy. The next class was World Civ, which was like totally kind of boring. That was the only drawback that I could remember. We just took notes for an hour and a half. Then advisory was pretty fun, just the usual talk to Aisley and Joe, and check my email. Lunch was WAY fun. It didn't start out very well, seeing as once I got my food, I went to the place where I usually eat with friends. Apparently they went to get ready for gym like, 20 minutes early, so nobody was in our usual spot. I then went to the library where Spencer was, and talked to him for about 5 minutes while I finished lunch. Then, 5 minutes was about all I could take down there with all those Halo Nerds. I honestly do not know how people miss their lunches, just to play halo for 30 minutes. I mean, Halo is BY FAR one of the most pointless, stupidest, mindless games that have taken over our society. I hate it with a passion. So after emerging from the library, I saw Zach and Greg talking to my friend Lacey. I went over there, and chatted with them. Then that's when Zach introudeced me to her. Her name was Jenna, we just chatted for about 5 minutes, then the bell rang and I went to class. Much to my surprise Jenna was in my English class! It was like totally awesome. English was freaking awesome too. We finally got out of Shakespeare and into Poetry! Poetry is like the coolest thing ever. We learned some poetry terms, then we went right into poetry, in song form. I thought "Oh, we'll probably listen to stupid songs..." Man was I wrong! We listened to THE BEATLES! We listened to "Elenore (SP?) Rigby", and "I am the Walrus". We then had to deeply analyze them and figure out what the words were really saying...And I am The Walrus was EXTREMELY hard to analyze, seeing as apparently they wrote the song when they were high on LSD...But then after class I talked to Jenna, and then went home. Then at about 3 I got a call from Zach, and he's like "Hey, Wanna work on our health homework together!?" So then I went down to his house...Much to my surprise, Jenna was there! I swear he was trying to set us up. So we got our Health Homework done, and then the three of us just talked for like 2 hours. Me and Jenna had tons of those moments where we would say the EXACT same thing at the exact same time! It was awesome! Haha. Then apparently her favorite band is my favorite band too, and she likes all the same music I do! It's totally awesome! So then after I got home from Zach's house, it was about 5 minutes til 7. I quicklly downed my dinner, and ran up to my room to watch the new Smallville. Wow. This smallville was pretty action packed! It was all leading up to the nexxt new episode though...IN MID APRIL! I don't know if I can hang onto what happened in this episode until then. SO many things happened. In a way, I think Lana deserved what happened to her. But then in another way, I feel bad for her. Then after that episode ended, my cute little neighbors from down the street came up to come play for a little bit. Man, that 3 year old is WAY good at Mario Kart...Then after they went home, I was on the computer for a little bit, then went to bed. It was like a totally amazing day. :)

1 comment:

Rukus Wiley said...

Jeez Kevin. Ya meet one girl, and that makes your day? what the crap.